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Startup Enterprise Clinic

Dec 3rd
18:00 - 20:00

Access a monthly startup clinic for new ventures and new business development with member Gordon Hills who specializes in enterprise modelling.


The Start Up Clinic: 

Every first Wednesday monthly: The initial meeting with Gordon will help you understand the components of the enterprise and produce a Business Canvas, if one is not already available. Nine aspects of the current status are then assessed to see how ready you are for establishing a viable venture.


Initial Meeting (free):

  • Quickly establish an overall understanding, in business terms, of your venture looking at a balanced approach around the value your product / service brings to the customer.
  • Establish an overall status of where you are in the process of building a viable enterprise. This gives you a clear understanding of the key areas to focus on so you balance your efforts.


Follow on Service:

Follow on Service: There is also an option to arrange a further 5 sessions that investigate and document the key aspects of the business, weighted towards on customer development.  The result is an overall model of the venture that allows a business Roadmap of activities and milestones, for an extended period to be produced.

  • A focused look at the key components from a critical source, early in the development, saves basic oversights.
  • A customer validation approach, tests concepts to establish a revenue stream early in the development.
  • The quantitative approach puts reality into the model and is more believable by funders.
  • Progressively building visual control tools for managing key functions sets up the back room functions.
  • The Enterprise Model gives you a basis for decision making and changing the components of the concept, without losing momentum.


About Gordon Hills and Potestas Management Ltd

Collaboratively Gordon works with you to distill the main components of the venture, progressively documenting the outcomes, to ensure there is a balanced approach to building the enterprise. Following the initial assessment we run five set sessions on key business components in order to produce a clear Roadmap of activities to take the venture forward.

Using his experience in planning and modelling he can dramatically reduce the time it takes to get up and running.

Gordon also brings with him the following expertise:

Small business, automation experience.

Large scale program and project management expertise.

International experience dealing with virtual delivery teams.

Business transformation, market expansion, implementation of core business solutions, product rollout.


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