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VAT: International Trade of Goods

Dec 8th
10:00 - 11:00
  • VAT treatments of goods when selling to EU and non-EU countries
  • How do we treat a movement of our own goods for VAT purposes
  • What distance selling to consumers in other EU countries is and how this works
  • What VAT to charge in regards to our distance sales and the thresholds we need to look out for when making these types of sales

The presenter: Stephen Pope, Manager at Fiscal Solutions

Stephen Pope

Working as a VAT consultant in a major London accountancy Stephen advises on international VAT compliance on a day to day basis and provides international VAT advice to clients all over the world.  He also provides external training for a major VAT training company with regards to the mechanics of UK and international VAT in general.  Stephen is a full member of the Association of Accounting Technicians. Stephen joined Fiscal Solutions in 2011

About Fiscal Solutions
Fiscal Solutions Ltd is a service company dedicated to providing unparalleled VAT services to our clients. We have provided  Fiscal representation for clients since the early 1990s in response to the growing need of overseas trading. We believe we are unique in offering these VAT services throughout the EU and the rest of the world via a single contact point.

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